Web Design – We can build from scratch or migrate and update your current website, we work with the best solution for you. We design the architecture to be fast loading, accessible and study and learn from your target audience.
Reporting and Monitoring – Your one stop for all your favorite tools, reports and monitors so you have accurate data and can identify bias and discrepancies. We work with the industry standards and consistently innovate our own such as the Greencheck.ai Trust Monitors.
Hosting– Safe, Secure and Backed Up hosting that companies of all shapes and sizes trust including small business that want to protect their intellectual property. We select our clients carefully. Ask us why.
All inclusive packages featuring everything you need to have a high level experienced creatives and developers on your team without the ego inflated salaries, health benefits or concerns of employee performance, retention or being recruited by your competition. There is no need to agency hop as make your website but need to find an agency better at Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to get it in front of your target audience. If you have components of digital markeing that are really working well and just need to fill in the gaps, we build the package you need with the budget you have.
Our Digital Manager packages are a designed with us invested in your brand to scale both up and down with you.
Chat or schedule a call with us today.
We can plug Chat Features into your website that allows traffic and visitors to engage with you direclty, a knowledgable human professional and if you like help you train Artificial Intelligence (AI and Chat bots) to be as effective as possible to have a positive experience that is in line with your brand or message.
We offer full service contact center solutions so traffic to your website can move from chat to phone to zoom to booked on your calendar.
We provide secure solutions that allow you to effectively measure engagment and quality assurance.
Many clients have good paid and organic campaigns but simply have not contact center to engage their audiences in a timely manner.
Ask us how we can help by scheduling a 15 minute meeting with us here.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)-for the entire digital landscape (we can include Bing/Yahoo) for both Paid Search Ads (Pay-Per-Click PPC/Screened or Guaranteed and Local Service Ads LSA and Google Display Ads as well as organic..
Organic and Sustainable Updates– Keeping up with your Google Profile, Linking Social Media and Trust Authority Backlinks, Coordinating and Optimizing your Calls to Action and giving you better deals on G Suite and Google Products.
Education and Awareness- We stay involved in organizations such as https://www.stateofsearch.org/ and offer updates from our professional associates and leaders that choose strategies that are ethical, ecological and sustainable. If something is risky or may result in penalites and suspension we do our best to educate you ahead of time instead of reacting after unfortunate circumsstances.
Numbers don’t lie! However people can, or sometimes they can have a bias depending on how they are incentivized. You can set up tools for anything you want to measure. Most all professionals have access to the same tools whether its GA4, Adobe, Moz, SEMRush, Hrefs or our constantly evolving and innovating monitors with Greencheck.ai
Social Media
Social Media is a major part of your online presence. For some clients it is their only online presence.
Being active and engaging on social media is key to be competitive in the modern digital world.
We have solutions for any budget for you to be in control of your story and engagement on Social Media platforms and tie it into your own online presence.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Does having a great message, brand, company, website or channel matter if nobody can find it? What about if your competition controls the narrative for your niche?
We build all of our parts of our online presence with ethical, sustainable and Approved Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategies in mind.
Many clients come to us with “too many cooks in the kitchen” all claiming success and blaming failures. Many are looking for one person to personally be accountable for all of it. Paid Search, Organic Results, Margin and Return on Investment.
With all of the new breakthroughs and technology you have access to the team that has been on the forefront of ranking, trusted authorities and SEO working on YOUR online presence.
Local SEO
Showing up online IN THE RIGHT PLACE is key to protecting your profit margins and measuring your Return on Investment (ROI).
Many cookie-clutter websites whipped up on Artificial Intelligence (AI) with stock photos just make internet noise.
We are leading in custom mapping solutions to use your audiences and talent to Geo-Target your business visibility.
With over 30 years experience of getting the right message in the right inbox a the right time, we can show you how to set up campaigns for success and growth. We have worked with all the top platforms such as Constant Contact and Mail Chimp (Intuit), however we find the best value for the best price is iContact. Use our link for a Free Trial and best monthly prices.
G-Suite/Google Workspace- We bundle your professional Gmail and workspace in most of our packages. Due to the size and scale we can offer competitive pricing. Can we get you a better deal? Ask us.
Video killed the radio star! It also killed the Too Long Didn’t Read (TLDR) Website.
When used correctly video can be exactly what you need to create the emotion that inspires your desired call to action.
Our team has extensive resumes in multi media spanning decades and most importantly to the content that reflects your brand and your message.
We offer the best value at the best price to create content that protects your intellectual property and you can use on various platforms.
We offer better pricing when bundled with our other services.
We manage your Yelp and provide expertise, tools, discounts and boosts that are only available to approved Yelp Agency Partners like Shane Arts.
Hundreds of clients have us manage their Yelp Pages, Enhanced Listings and Advertising Campaigns as we have consistently helped them understand the value and deliver results within budget.
Yelp can be intimidating and confusing unless you have a dedicated team both at Yelp and Shane Arts keeping our clients where they want to be.
Shane Arts was a Finalist for the BEST IN CLIENT SERVICE in the first ever Yelp Advertising Partner Awards (YAPAs)
Trust, Truth & Transparency
T3 Results
We earn your Trust by delivering consistent results, telling the truth on how we achieved them and being transparent about what all goes into it.
Our team has over 30 years experience and the top talent in the industry for many aspects of sales and marketing. Our team includes experienced, certified and degreed professional authorities in websites, social media, campaign strategies, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Paid Advertising, Email, Video and so much more.
Our creative team has been working well together for decades successfully serving thousands of clients. Ask today how we may ser you.
Better Business Bureau (BBB)

Better Business Bureau Enhanced Listing Placement Sponsorship
Accreditation Consultant and we can managed your Enhanced Listing Placement (ELP) Sponsorships in the Unified Search of bbb.org
Many of our team previously served in a variety of capacities from award winning sales professionals to President. We have contracts with some BBB regions and were recently named the top unapproved vendor by the International Association of Better Business Bureau’s as well sell, bundle and discount other services. This does not prevent us from doing business with your local BBB.
Ask us how we can help you.
News Sources
We have been authentically earning media from trusted news sources since before we were logging on the world wide web with our modems and landlines.
We can create or inspired content for sources with a variety of domain authorities for a variety of audiences.
We have long time relationships with Public Relation (PR) Firms, network affiliates and group member organizations to help get your unique story in front of the right audience.
An International Platform founded in Denmark in 2007 and publically traded in the London Stock Exchange. TrustPilot is becoming more visible and relied upon in North America that already has a strong presence in other parts of the globe. We can help you get Special Pricing for exactly what you need.
Off Page Link Building
We have access to the tools to make an accurate report and strategy to get you to rank. We then create SEO optimized articles from start to finish as well as collaborating with podcasts, influencers, speaking engagements, conferences and more.
We utilize the latest technolgies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to inspire, but still do the work that you as a human would sign your name to.
We can do it all for you, or help you with your own current content to make it more effective.